
Well her are the latest photographs for the third competition of the year, held on the 9th July.

The first of the competition models

Pather by Mick Scotcher

1/72 V4 rocket, Bob Whittle

1/72 Whirlwind by Mike Ingham

1/48 Tomahawk, Bob Whittle

1/48 Sturmovik by Alan Stickland

1/48 Warhawk by Bob Whittle 

1/72 Hunter Mike Ighham I think

1/48 Harrier by AL Harris 

1/35 Sherman by Kirk Ashley Morgan

Another shot of the Pather by Mick Scotcher
A 1/35 Tortoise tank by TIM Folkes wow big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1/72 Mosquito Photo recon by ????