January 6th 2015 was our annual AGM night. It was opened at 20.10 and lasted until half past the hour. Myself, Alan and Tim all remain in the same positions for 2015.
Our aims for this year are to continue as we are, however we will have to move venue for club meets as the number of members is slowly increasing now running at 26. Therefore it has been decided that we will move not far away to the Northcott road, Christchurch church meeting rooms in Abingdon. we will keep the same Tuesdays throughout the year as well. This will happen over the next couple of months.
Treasurers report. Money in the two accounts are the club account running at £418 and show account which is slightly more than last year at £1874. Further to this our Treasurer wishes the club finances to made more accessible to the club and therefore (Tim Folkes)Treasurer proposes that both myself (Simon Fisher) and the chairman (Alan Dagg) be given access to the club accounts, therefore both are required to provide signatures. This should happen over the next month or so.
Outings this year will hopefully be the MAFVA main event on 21st June at Duxford with a Minibus going up there from the club. also our annual show will be on the 3rd October at the same venue that being Larkmead school.
Simon Fisher
Abingdon IPMS
Club Secretary
The USAF Hercules that did not know about a taxiway repair. |
A nice RN Whirlwind in 1/72 at the Nationals 2013 |