
AGM date change

AGM has moved forward to the 8th Jan 2013, due to Simon F will be away on a course for a week.


Welcome to the latest entry to our blog, shown below are next years diary dates. I have included all of the dates for the whole year, but their is no detail attached to 3/4 off it yet.  I will only be doing that at three month intervals, as things have developed over the past couple of years outside my control and therefore making the 6 monthly printed diary's useless. Please note, I will only be printing off limited copies of the diary for those people who do not have a computer.

January      8th, 22nd Club AGM
February    5th Comp night(1), 19th
March        5th Demo night,  19th

April          2nd Comp night(2), 16th, 30th
May           14th, 28th
June           11th, 25th

July            9th, 23rd
August       6th, 20th
September  3rd, 17th

October      1st, 15th, 29th
November  12th, 26th
December  10th

Events that  the club will be attending are so far
Fleet air arm 9th Feb
Milton Keynes 21st Apr
Abingdon show 5th Oct(provisional)

Simon Fisher
Abingdon IPMS Secretary